The PEGASE project will be carried out by UEAPME with the support of Academy Avignon. It started on 28 November 2011 for 13 months, until end of December 2012. The PEGASE project aims to strengthen the capacity of the 13 UEAPME Crafts and SME organizations members in 7 “new” Member States and in 2 candidate countries by supporting their active participation in the EU Social Dialogue.

The main achievement should be:

a) a clearer understanding of procedures and decision making process in the EU Social Dialogue by national organizations:
the SME ESD Network will support the capacity building of the national members through advice and mentoring on EU Social Dialogue activities.

b) tailored made information for small and micro enterprises:
the EU Social Dialogue Newsletter will work as a communication tool in order to create a link between the members of the ESD and, at the same time, to provide information for each of the 13 member organizations.

c) higher capacity to formulate the interests of small and micro enterprises in the ESD agenda:
the participation of the SMEs associations in the activities of the EU Social Dialogue is very important to help these organizations to defend the interests of SMEs and Craft enterprises.


More information about the project –

Czech Republic partner:

Asociace malých a středních podniků a živnostníků
Association of Small and Medium sized Entreprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic