Project „Implementation of the approaches flexicurity at small and medium enterprises (SME) under conditions of the Czech Republic on the basis of foreign cooperation“ (CZ.1.04/5.1.01/77.00248) is funded by the ESF through the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme and the state budget.
Project title: Implementation of the approaches flexicurity at small and medium enterprises (SME) under conditions of the Czech Republic on the basis of foreign cooperation
Number: CZ.1.04/5.1.01/77.00248
Project promoter: AMSP ČR- Asociace malých a středních podniků a živnostníků ČR
Czech partner: CAPA, a.s.
Foreign partner: ZRP – Polish craft association
Operational programme: Human resources and employment operational programme
Area of support: 5.1 Transnational cooperation
Call for proposal: 77
Joint objectives of the transnational partners:
Cooperation by the transfer of the approaches „flexicurity“ at small and medium enterprises (SME) considering the project target groups – employers, persons 50+ and mothers with children under age of 15.
Cooperation during the detection of attitudes of target groups to flexicurity approaches, proposal of update paradigm under conditions of the Czech Republic and verification of the updates to the approaches to „flexicurity“ under conditions of the Czech Republic.
Cooperation during the creation of a comprehensive methodology for flexicurity under conditions of the Czech Republic created for employers, persons 50 +and mothers with child under age of 15 and creating legislative recommendations. Cooperating on organization of the international conference at the end of the project.
Expected results and products:
- creating new comprehensive methodology for flexicurity under conditions of the Czech Republic (created for employers, persons 50 + and mothers with children of the age of 15)
- creating legislative recommendations for the Czech Republic
- direct recommendations for a sample of target groups involved in pilot testing organizing the final international conference
Target groups:
- persons 50 +
- mothers with children under age of 15
- employers
Dates of implementation: 1.8.2012 – 28.2.2015
Final project outputs (publications) to download in English:
AMSP_Flexicurity_Letak_A4_ENG.pdf (876,20 KB)
AMSP_Flexicurity_Metodika_A5_ENG.pdf (7,49 MB)
AMSP_Flexicurity_Legislativni_opatreni_A4_ENG.pdf (896,92 KB)
Czech versions:
AMSP_Flexicurity_Letak_A4.pdf (905,65 KB)
AMSP_Flexicurity_Metodika_A5.pdf (8,71 MB)
AMSP_Flexicurity_Legislativni_opatreni_A4.pdf (926,56 KB)